Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Yamas & Niyamas: The Ethics of the Yoga Lifestyle

     It's a mad tea party of a world out there! Adopting the yoga lifestyle can help you manage your stress physically, intellectually and emotionally if you're willing to expand your awareness on and off the mat. Understanding the ethics of yoga and applying these yamas and niyamas is as important as your posture practice!

Yamas: Guidelines for interacting with the outer world (others)

  1. Ahimsa: non-violence toward self and others
  2. Satya: truth and honesty    
  3. Asteya: not stealing or coveting that which is not offered to you
  4. Brahmacharya: moderation    
  5. Aparigraha: greedlessness

Niyamas: Guidelines for interacting with the inner world (self)

  1. Saucha: cleanliness or purity internally as well as externally
  2. Santosha: contentment
  3. Tapas: discipline, inner fire
  4. Svadhyaya: self-observation
  5. Ishwara-Pranidhana: surrender to something bigger than yourself


  1. I'm so glad I found your blog, I think from Janet's page, I've always practiced yoga, and have loved it, but for some time now, I've stopped, going through a tough time in life, now. I know yoga will help allot, but gotta get off my behind first. :)
    If you don't mind I'd like to follow your blog, maybe you can inspire me to start again.

  2. please do follow me, and come on over to my virtual studio at www.innerspaceyogas.com! it's full of free yoga content. these are tough times marinik. we all need a little deep breathing and awareness. peace, kelly.


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